Ionic Contamination Test Systems
Ionic Contamination Test Systems
Setting the standard of quality for the industry.
For manufacturers driven to deliver quality products, SCS Ionic Contamination Test Systems are the industry standard, delivering accuracy and performance in a range of configurations.
As far as standards go, the SCS line of ionic contamination equipment meets those established for PCB fabrication and assembly. With 50 years of experience in manufacturing environments, SCS test systems include the Ionograph® and Omegameter lines, which continue to prove their value as the leading choice for electronics manufacturing customers.

Ionograph® SMD V
Dynamic testing of ionic contamination is a widely approved and followed standard. So, too, is the equipment that makes it possible — SCS Ionograph®. Available in different models, the SCS Ionograph is the industry standard of testing technology.
More About Ionograph® SMD V
Ionograph® BT
SCS Ionograph® BT Series ionic contamination test systems offer efficient and accurate testing to meet the needs of any lab or manufacturer.
More About Ionograph® BT
Omegameter Series
The SCS Omegameter is an industry standard for ionic testing of printed circuit boards and assemblies.
More About Omegameter Series